




餐旅業部門訓練師CHDT國際認證、經濟部國貿局-會議展覽專業人員初階認證、Marketing in the Hospitality Industry認證、調查與研究方法分析師……等



1.Cheng, C.C., Tsai, M.C., Chang, Y.Y. and Chen, C.T. (2023). How to measure customers perceived service quality of smart restaurants? International Journal of Mobile Communications (SSCI, Impact factor=1.600) (Accepted, in press). (109年科技部計劃研究成果,MOST 109-2410-H-229-001-)

2.Cheng, C.C., Lee, W.H., Tsai, M.C. and Chang, Y.Y. and Chen, C.T. (2023). Cold technology and warm services How smart hotels create a home away from home service for customers. Journal of Accounting, Finance & Management Strategy, 18(2), 87-126. (110年科技部計劃研究成果,MOST 110-2410-H-229-002-

3.張雅媛鄭青展*(通訊作者*) (2022)。餐廳防疫服務風險評估之研究:整合顧客與專家的觀點。觀光休閒學報 (TSSCI)28(3)313-350

4.Chang, Y.Y., Wu, H.C., Cheng, C.C.*(通訊作者*) and Chen, C.T. (2022). Identifying the key success factors of F&B sharing services: new insights from a multiple-phase decision-making model. British Food Journal (SCI, Impact factor=3.224), 124(124), 4161-4187

5.Chang, Y.Y. and Cheng, C.C.*(通訊作者*) (2022). Evaluating the strategic implications of the service quality in green hotels from a new insight. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, Impact factor=7.578), 23(13), 2037-2041

6.Chang, Y.Y. and Cheng, C.C.*(通訊作者*) (2022). New insights into the measurement model of a new scale for evaluating restaurant service quality during major infectious disease outbreaks. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI, Impact factor = 6.514), 34(5), 1629-1648

7.Tsai, M.C., Lin, S.P. and Cheng, C.C.*(通訊作者*) (2022). A Comprehensive Quality Improvement Model: Integrating Internal and External Information. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence (SSCI, Impact factor=2.922), 33(5-6), 548-565

8.Wu, H.C., Cheng, C.C., and Ai, C.H. (2021). What drives green experiential loyalty towards green restaurants? Tourism Review (SSCI, Impact factor=5.947), 76(5), 1084-1103

9.Cheng, C.C., Chang, Y.Y. and Chen, C.T. (2021). Construction of a service quality scale for the online food delivery industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI, Impact factor = 6.701), 95, 102938. (108年科技部計劃之研究成果,計畫編號:MOST 108-2410-H-229-001 -SSS

10.Cheng, C.C., Wu, H.C., Tsai, M.C., Chang, Y.Y. and Chen, C.T. (2021). Identifying the strategic implications of service attributes of wedding banquet halls for market competition and risk management. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI, Impact factor = 6.701), 92, 102732. (106年科技部計劃研究成果,MOST 106-2410-H-229-001-SSS

11.Cheng, C.C., Wu, H.C., Tsai, M.C., Chang, Y.Y and Chen, C.T. (2020). Determinants of customers’ choice of dining-related services: the case of Taipei City. British Food Journal (SCI, Impact Factor=1.717), 122(5), 1549-1571. (105年科技部計劃研究成果,MOST 106-2410-H-229-002

12.Wu, H.C. and Cheng, C.C. (2020). Relationships between experiential risk, experiential benefits, experiential evaluation, experiential co-creation, experiential relationship quality and future experiential intentions to travel with pets. Journal of Vacation Marketing (SSCI, Impact Factor = 1.865), 26(1), 108-129

13.Wu, H.C., Ai, C.H. and Cheng, C.C. (2019). Virtual reality experiences, attachment and experiential outcomes in tourism. Tourism Review (SSCI, Impact factor=1.060), 75(3), 481-495.

14.Wu, H.C., Ai, C.H. and Cheng, C.C. (2019). Experiential quality, experiential psychological states and experiential outcomes in an unmanned convenience store. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (SSCI, Impact Factor = 3.585), 51, 409- 420.

15.Wu, H.C., Cheng, C.C., Ai, C.H., and Chen, G.W. (2019). Relationships between restaurant attachment, experiential relationship quality and experiential relationship intentions: The case of single friendly restaurants in Taiwan. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SSCI, Impact factor=2.496), 40, 50-66.

16.Wu, H.C. and Cheng, C.C. (2019). What drives green persistence intentions? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (SSCI, Impact factor=1.204), 31(1), 157-183.



1. 104年科技部計畫-如何有效衡量樂活概念餐廳之服務品質? -兼論各服務屬性之品質特質與市場策略意涵

2. 105科技部計畫-市場區隔新工具與服務創新設計:以餐飲服務為導向

3. 106科技部計畫-動態服務品質-風險預警模式之建構與驗證

4. 107科技部計畫-您願意跟陌生人一起用餐嗎? 探討餐飲共享服務模式之關鍵成功因素與經營策略:大數據分析、效用分析及經營

5. 108科技部計畫-您能感受到餐飲外送服務的"溫度"嗎?餐飲外送服務品質量表之建構與驗證:來自大數據分析之新啟發

6. 109科技部計畫-餐廳業的AI時代來臨! 智慧餐廳服務品質之先期研究:發展服務品質先期量表、萃取關鍵服務因素以及建構服

7. 110科技部計畫-少了人情味? 智慧飯店如何讓顧客擁有賓至如歸的服務?

8. 111國科會計畫-如何把雲端廚房的服務痛點變成服務賣點?雲端廚房服務優化之研究:兼論餐飲業服務體驗工程之建構(第一年期)

9. 112國科會計畫-如何把雲端廚房的服務痛點變成服務賣點?雲端廚房服務優化之研究:兼論餐飲業服務體驗工程之建構(第二年期)



1. 112年教學實踐研究計畫-量身訂做的理想婚禮:結合問題導向學習、情境學習以及創意設計思考之教學法提升婚禮企劃和宴會管理課程之學習成效與技能